SEL Math Lessons
Empathy Graphs
Social Awareness | Students interview each other about their feelings on different topics (e.g., favorite part of the day) and create graphs to show the results, discussing how people feel differently about the same things.
Math and Cultural Symbols
Social Awareness | Students explore symbols or patterns from different cultures and create their own math problems based on those patterns (e.g., counting items in a traditional pattern or using numbers from another culture).
Classroom Census
Social Awareness | Conduct a simple "Classroom Census" where students count and record information about their classmates (e.g., number of siblings, pets). They can then discuss the similarities and differences in the data collected.
Diversity Data Collection
Social Awareness | Students collect data on classmates' favorite things (e.g., favorite color, food) and create a class bar graph or pictograph to represent the diversity in the room.
Counting Breaths
Self-Management | Incorporate deep breathing exercises into the math routine, where students count their breaths as a way to calm down and focus before starting a math lesson.
Shape Sorting for Focus
Self-Management | Students sort shapes or objects by color, size, or type as a calming activity. This helps them focus and manage emotions while practicing sorting and categorizing.
Math Time Management
Self-Management | Teach students to use a simple timer to manage their time during math activities. For example, they can set a timer for 10 minutes to work on a math problem, then reflect on how well they used their time.
Counting Calm Corners
Self-Management | Set up a "Calm Corner" with counting activities like counting beads, cubes, or items in a pattern. Students can use these items to calm down by focusing on counting.
"All About Me" Number Stories
Introduction to SEL and Self-Awareness | Students create math stories that use numbers to describe themselves (e.g., age, number of family members, pets). They present these stories using drawings and numbers.
Emotion Graphs
Introduction to SEL and Self-Awareness | Students track their emotions throughout the day using a simple bar graph or pictograph. For example, they can color a bar for each time they feel happy, sad, or excited.
Math Autobiography
Introduction to SEL and Self-Awareness |
* Students create a "Math Autobiography" where they write about their experiences with math so far (e.g., "I like counting," "I find shapes fun"). They illustrate their stories with simple math concepts like shapes or numbers.
Favorite Numbers
Introduction to SEL and Self-Awareness | Students choose their favorite number and explain why they like it. They can then find that number in different contexts (e.g., how many times it appears in the classroom, in a book, etc.).